Thursday 2 October 2008

Albert and the cat that did nothing.

I recently signed up for a writing class, it's rather interesting but I'm not sure how helpful it'll be, although the teacher at least is fun to watch as she's rather an odd sort. Anyway the first homework we had was to write a page about a person who either feels love, hate or indifference about an animal. I was given indifference and a moggy cat, great fun. Anyway what follows is what I managed to come up with.

Albert and the cat that did nothing.

Albert meandered slowly along the path, his gaze resting on the calm waters of the pond. The park was quiet, it was early evening and the pond was a pale orange, reflecting the autumn twilight sky.
As he wandered he came upon a bench and took a seat, he stared contently out at the park around him lost in his own thoughts. After a while his loneliness was disturbed as a lone moggy cat slunk into view. His attention caught by the cat, Albert looked round. He saw the cat was a pale grey and black in colour and completely unremarkable from any other cat you might see.
The cat made its own way along the pond’s edge, showing complete disinterest in Albert and as he watched Albert considered it.
What is my opinion of this cat? He asked himself.
I don’t think I have one. Came the answer
Albert was a philosophical sort.
He continued to watch and as he did he thought, for me to really have an opinion of this cat something would have to happen involving the cat that affects me. If it’s an event that has a positive effect on me then I will like the cat, if it has a negative effect on me then I will dislike it.
Unaware of Albert’s thoughts the cat continued to ignore him, continuing to move along the edge of the pond until he came upon the bench. Stopping to look at it the cat tilted its head to the left and considered it. As it did this Albert continued his consideration of the cat.
I want this cat to do something. He thought to himself. I wish to have an opinion of it.
The cat, it seemed, ignored him, continuing to consider the bench. After a moment it made a decision and lay down, still staring at the bench.
Looking at the cat Albert thought. Do something! I wish to form on opinion of you!
The cat continued to do nothing.
So there they sat, mute and staring at each other with Albert waiting to form an opinion while the cat, for its part, did nothing.

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