Friday 23 January 2009

Festival Daze (Part 3)

Ok so I got sick of only having poetry on here so here's the first bit of Day 2 of Festival Daze. There ain't much here but then thats because I aint written much lately. Anyway, enjoy.

Day 2

A relative calm briefly settled over the campsite as the sun slowly started to rise. Most of the occupants were asleep or passed out in their tents, grabbing a precious few hours before the festivities once again got into full swing. A few fires still burned and a few souls, either brave or just high, still wandered and partied but for a short time they were the minority.
As the sun climbed in the sky the temperature began to rise and a trickle, which slowly turned into a flood, of people began exiting the tents, the oppressive heat caused by the sun beating down on the canvas making them too uncomfortable to sleep.
In his tent James rolled over, trying to steal a valuable few moments more sleep as the rising heat and noise level made it more and more difficult. He rolled over again trying to find a comfortable position on the tough floor; however his way was blocked as he rolled into something. Regretfully opening his eyes he identified his blockage as Phil and groaned as he again rolled away in the opposite direction.
Finally giving up on his quest for sleep James sat up and immediately wished he hadn’t. The combination of lack of sleep and the ridiculous amount of alcohol he’d consumed the night before was making a powerfully unpleasant headache. He stayed as still as possible for a few minutes trying to come to grips with the pain before finally deciding he could move again.
Ever so slowly he turned his head to look at Phil; his friend was laying facing away from him snoring gently. His headache making him feel vindictive James reached out and poked Phil hard in the side. If James was trying to wake Phil up he failed, Phil merely grunted and rolled slightly and continued snoring away.
Marking his dissatisfaction with the outcome of his poke by sighing, loudly, James began the laborious process of escaping from the ever increasing heat of the tent.
Finally remembering the mechanical function of a zip James yanked open the tent and poked his head outside. Initially blinded by the light of the sun James held up a hand to shield his eyes. Squinting he observed the scene before him, most of his friends were sat around the remains of the trash pile come campfire eating various forms of breakfast.
He crawled out of the tent and moved to join them. Sitting down next to Brian he made a groaning noise to signify his dissatisfaction with the world.
“Not a morning person.” Brian observed, unfairly sounding like he was without hangover.
James merely grunted in reply.
“You should eat something.” Brian suggested.
James grunted again then looked round at Brian. “How the hell are you not hung-over? He demanded to know.
“Easy, I’m drunk again.” Brian replied simply.
James just looked at him for a moment trying to process this information. Abruptly looking he reached for a beer. “That’ll work.”
As he began drinking again, what must have been less then five hours since he stopped the previous evening, he looked around at his friends who had made up it up already. Rich and Luke were cooking on a camping stove, or rather attempting to but neither of them seemed to know how to work it. Neither of the girls or the new guys appeared to be up yet and Phil was still comatose in James’s tent.
While taking this in James noticed someone making their way out of the tent Brian shared with Luke and Rich, he double checked who he was sitting with and then asked the obvious question.
“Who’s in your tent?”
Luke answered. “That’s Mitch, or is it Mick? I can’t remember. Either way, it’s the one who’s not sleeping with Mel in their tent.”
“Oh.” Was James’s only response to this news.
“Yeah, crazy what happened with those two last night.” Brian commented.
“Not that surprising though.” James replied bitterly.
“No. Suppose not.” Brian caught onto James’s tone.
Unused to being in a situation where he was the one responsible for distracting James from his romantic woes Brian began to panic. He couldn’t think of anything to say that was at all appropriate, the only things going through his mind were crude comments about Mel’s sexual expertise. Assuming it would be wise not to voice any of those thoughts he did the only thing he could think of.
“Oww! Bastard! What the fuck was that for?” James shouted in anger after Brian punched him in the arm as hard as he could.
Brian shrugged back at him
“Fucker.” James was not pleased; however his mind was distracted from Mel. Seeing his tactic was working Brian decided a second dose was needed just to make sure.
“Fuck! Leave me alone!” James screamed this time.
Brian just grinned at him this time.
James sat in a minor sulk for the next few minutes, extremely unhappy he’d just been punched twice for no apparent reason. Deciding it might be wise to move away from Brian before he got hit again he stood up and announced he was going to get some breakfast.
Brian, though, foiled this plan by announcing he’d join him. Getting up he followed James away from the tents and onto the path. Walking towards the tent village Brian decided to ask James a question.
“Dude, is it alright if I ask you a question?” He started, rather sombrely for Brian.
James replied. “Sure.”
“Um, how did you know you first really liked Mel? I mean more then any normal crush on a girl.” He asked.
James looked sideways at Brian and was silent a moment before answering. “I don’t know really. It’s just something you know. You think about them all the time and it feels good to be with them. And it really sucks when they’re with someone else.”
Brian nodded his head to this.
“Why do you ask?” James asked Brian.
“I guess I might like someone.” Brian replied hesitantly.
This excited James somewhat, he was always one to love gossip and although Brian’s antics were always good subjects for it there was hardly ever anything anyone heard to do with his love life.
“Who is it?” He asked, trying to mask his excitement.
“You have to promise to not mention it to anyone.” Brian told him
“Doesn’t this feel a little too High School for you?” James mocked him a little.
“Shut up, I’m serious.” Brian’s tone was probably the sternest James had ever heard it.
“Ok, I promise.” He agreed.
Brian sighed. “I probably shouldn’t tell you of all people to be honest.”
James processed this for a moment and then let out a loud laugh.
“Shit, its Anna, isn’t it?” He deduced.
“Yeah.” Brian nodded.
“Shit. Didn’t see that one coming.” James was still a little in disbelief.
“Yeah, me either.”
“When did this start?” James asked.
Brian shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, it kind of just crept up on me.”
“Shit.” James said again.
“Yeah. It’s just feels so weird, I mean its Anna. I shouldn’t be feeling like this about her. I’ve known her forever.”
“It is weird. So is this like a really serious thing?”
“I don’t know, serious enough to have this conversation but not like I’m madly in love or anything.”
“Yeah. You going to do anything about it?”
“You mean apart from pray that this feeling goes away as soon as possible?”
“Ok then.”
As the conversation lapsed they arrived at the first few stores at the edge of the tent village. They casually perused them as they wandered through looking for something decent to eat.
In one store a section of camping chairs caught James’s eye and they decided to buy a bunch to take back to the tents. After leaving the store they went to a food wagon and picked up two Breakfast baguettes, a truly awful concoction of foods that never should be mixed together in bread.
Taking a bite James grimaced at the unfortunate taste. Going back to the wagon he picked up the ketchup bottle and proceeded to drown his sandwich in it. Walking back to Brian he took another large bite.
“This is good shit.” He announced.
Brian chuckled. “Good shit.” He agreed.

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